DXO Core Services:
Webhooks, Jobs, Events and More
Features and Capabilities
In an enterprise stack, data needs to be syndicated across multiple backends including PIM, ERP, CRM, Commerce Engine, CMS, Search and more. Conscia offers various no-code approaches to moving data between systems including batch/file-based, real-time, event-driven and webhooks.
In order to get a comprehensive understanding of the data in various siloed systems and to create unified experiences, you need to connect and relate the data. Conscia offers a graph-based data layer that pulls in data from various systems, giving you a single version of truth of all the relevant data.
Jobs and Scheduling
One of the common challenges faced by organizations is the quality and heterogeneity of data residing in siloed systems. Before data is consumed by downstream applications, it is important to validate and optimize its quality. Conscia offers data quality checks to empower data providers and consumers to validate its quality before pushing to live environments.